FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is Flightradar.flights free?

Flightradar.flights can be used free of charge in its basic functions.

Why doesn’t flight radar show planes?

Make sure that you are not in incognito mode with your browser. The incognito mode blocks the execution of certain data, which are necessary to fully execute the flight radar.

Is flight radar in real time?

Flight radar shows the current air traffic in real time.

How can I track a flight?

In the flight radar, use the left mouse button or your finger on the smartphone to select an aircraft to track it. You can also enter a valid flight number in the search bar.

Where can I find my flight number?

You should find your flight number on your flight tickets. This usually consists of 4 to 6-digit numbers / letters.

What do blue planes mean in flight radar?

Aircraft shown in blue are tracked with ADS-B via satellite. Mostly this is used over the oceans.

What information do I get in the flight radar?

In the flight radar you can see the type of aircraft, the place of departure as well as the place of arrival, departure and arrival time. You can also see where the aircraft is currently located and the flight route.

2 thoughts on “FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions”

  1. What are the icons that look like a truck at airports

    • Those are Ground Vehicles mostly. Transponder-equipped ground vehicles enhance safety on the airfield by ensuring the vehicles can be seen by air traffic control and other vehicles and aircraft.


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